SeaScapeTM Version 5+
The Latest
*** SeaScape Version 5.60 with the new "Synchronous LBL" support and with/without "SoundTracks" (see the News) is available for 2018. More info on Synchronous LBL coming soon.***

Read the SeaScape With SoundTracks Brochure. (5 Mbytes)

For more technical detail:

Introduction to SeaScape With SoundTracks PDF (5 Mbytes)

SeaScape - our navigational flagship - is designed to be the workhorse when navigating surface ships and submersables with integrated acoustic LBL, USBL, Dopper Velocity Log and GPS systems. It does everything Workboat does and much more. (Recommended reading up on WorkBoat also.) In fact, SeaScape AND WorkBoat are often used together for coordinated operations between the chief navigator, vehicle console, vessel bridge, science logging stations, etc. We're very proud of the fact that this combination of software is used to unite teams of people at sea who are tasked with complex missions.

Since 2009, SeaScape has been used to deploy the two largest undersea observatories on Earth: Ocean Networks Canada and the USA's Ocean Observatories Initiative (NSF) off the coasts of British Columbia and Oregon . Before that, SeaScape was involved with numerous national and international expeditions since the early '90's when it was primarily an LBL navigation program. With its genesis in LBL, it's not surprising that SeaScape now offers passive and synchronous LBL navigation, as well!

If you're interested, see the details below. (A new SeaScape PDF brochure is coming soon!)

See more real-life examples how our navigation software gets used.


Passive Long Baseline Operations...NEW
SeaScape now supports PASSIVE long baseline navigation as well as the usual active ranging modes. For more details than the brochure linked above, read this introductory PDF:

Introduction to SeaScape With SoundTracks PDF (5 Mbytes)

USBL Operations
SeaScape supports IXSEA's 'GAPS,' self-calibrating USBL system with it's built-in PHINS attitude sensor. To date, GAPS has demonstrated superior performance and ease of use compared with other quality systems. The Simrad HPR series, Sonardyne's 7705 and ORE's Trackpoint series have also been used with great success with SeaScape.

Generally, USBL systems are enabled and controlled separately from SeaScape and provide their string data periodically. SeaScape automatically recognizes these independently of interactive LBL operations that might also be ongoing. In addition, SeaScape provides a "Custom Input" facility for supporting ad-hoc USBL systems that are not yet automatically supported (as in NMEA-0183 strings). These custom inputs support the three common ways of reporting USBL positions: Relative X, Y, Z; slant range, bearing and horizontal deflection; and, horizontal range, bearing and depth.

USBL fixes have their own definable icon symbol, color and 2-D shape and can be associated with vehicle attitude sensors, just like LBL and DVL fix objects. They produce snail trails and like all "navigable objects" in SeaScape are monitorable, filterable, relational, mouse-identifiable and available for output of all kinds.
Active Long Baseline Operations
A big subject! SeaScape provides the navigator with unprecedented control of LBL / USBL / DVL operations from deployment and calibration of up to 15 LBL bottom transponders to the navigation of up to 12 LBL relays all with simultaneous support of USBL and DVL (Doppler Velocity Log) with no confilcts. Hardware and software "range gates," advanced, real-time ray path bending support, track histories, custom shapes, vehicle sensor input, active LOP graphics, DXF CAD file displays, bathymetry contours....and more...are all standard features. Dual vessel operations are supported with multiple vehicles, dual arrays, etc.




DVL Operations
SeaScape supports Teledyne-RDI's Workhorse Navigator series of bottom Doppler logs in both their "PD0" and "PD6" output formats. SeaScape's support for PD0 includes the ability to generate a "current profile" from TRDI's "water track" mode during an ROV or manned-sub dive (excursion to the bottom). This feature, combined with the ability to generate a "Sound Velocity Profile" (SVP) from their DVL (if thermistor installed!) rounds out the use of their system for maximum advantage. Up-to-date SVP's are obtained once the vehicle reaches the bottom and the SVP is available for input to not only SeaScape itself, but also any USBL or LBL system that may be in use.


SeaScape supports homing and rehoming of the DVL's origin (start) position to ANY navigable object in the SeaScape system: LBL fixes, USBL fixes, the Crosshair, GPS, etc. Logging of DVL fixes include these homing decisions so that a faithful DVL track is generated. SeaScape allows the concurrent plotting of any past or current DVL track along with it's current "snail trail" generation. Just like LBL and USBL fix objects (transponders), DVL fixes are monitorable, filterable, relational, mouse-identifiable and available for output of all kinds. And similarly, they can have their own attitude sensors and share the same system-wide variables as other navigable objects.

screenshot screenshot

Mooring Calibrations
"Boxing" (also known as "box-in"): support for five acoustic transceivers including the popular EdgeTech 8011A and 8011M, the Benthos DS7000, their UDB-9000 and -9400 series and their ATM880 and 9000-series ranging acoustic modems, and the LinkQuest acoustic modem. Range corrections using average speed of sound, sound velocity profile averaging, and ray path bending. Import / export SVP's. Control of fix generation including 2D / 3D, seeding, use of ranges, etc. Ability to load / view / resume past calibrations. Full access to files generated. Use SeaScape's / WorkBoat's "Calibrate Mooring" feature to calibrate an entire LBL array if you want - or use SeaScape's comprehensive statistical "steam the array" methodology - proven to be mathematically correct. You'll know where your instruments are. Also, use it for emergency location of any device with a compatible transponder, e.g. "sub sunk" operations.


Technical details
Computer OS: Windows XP, 7, 8.1, 10
COM Ports: Max 12
Networking: Ethernet TCP/IP and UDP
Remote Displays: Unlimited WorkBoat stations via network
Number of Ships: Max 2
Nav Types: Concurrent LBL, USBL, DVL, GPS
Nav Modes: Regular, Replay Log File, Simulation, Mooring Calibration, Stop
LBL Acoustic Modes Ship's Ducer, Regular Relay, Station Relay, Relcal Acquisition, Analyze
Acoustic Transceivers: IXSEA GAPS, Teledyne-Benthos, Teledyne-RDI, EdgeTech, Oceano, Sonardyne, Simrad, ORE
Passive Acoustic Receivers: S.E.A.'s SeaBox-1000 with up to 8 hydrophones or wired transponders
Acoustic Objects: 15 LBL bottom transponders, 12 LBL relay transponders, 8 USBL transponders, 1 DVL, 8 hydrophones
USBL Operations: Automatic string recognition, custom strings supported:
DVL Operations: Teledyne-RDI Workhorse Navigator PD0 and PD6. DVL homable to any navigable object. Many advanced features.
Filters: Simple velocity, Kalman w/advanced features
NMEA-0183 String Support: GGA, RMA, RMC, GLL, IMA, VTG, VDR HDT, HDM, VHW, MWD, MWV and others
Proprietary Strings: Many
Custom Strings: Via "Custom Input" and "Custom Output"
Data Logging: Logs all data whether recognized or not; sequential and random access file types; custom logging; port logging and more
Replay Log Files: Replay sequential or high-speed random access logs with all program features available during replay
Navigation Aids Waypoints (as Platforms or points), Anchors, Tracklines, Area Boxes Area Circles, Regions. Navigation aid importing, exporting and libraries. Client "Site File" management. Watch Circle, Simple and Compound Range Rulers, Polymorphic Lines and Lanes, Grid Text, Bottom Depths and more
Grid Graphics: Standard Vessel figure drawn to scale, replaceable by any user shape, selectable fix symbols and colors for transducers, transponders, relays, etc., choice of grid color, fonts, line thickness, units, etc. User-selectable graphical layers
Mouse Tools: Zoom, Undo Zoom, Drag Grid, Identify Object, Select Navaid, Move Navaid, Create Navaid (all types), Create Navaid at Vehicle, Crosshair, Simple and Compound Range Ruler attachable anywhere, Multiple Simple and Polymorphic Track Line and Lane Creation. Navaid "Pick Dialog" with actions/routing to other functions
Geodetics: All internal data in Latitude/Longitude. LBL objects also in UTM
Grid: UTM meters or Lat/Long
Units: All angles in Degrees True. Ranges: meters, feet, yards, kilometers, nautical miles
Relational Tools: Object-to-Object, Object-to-Class, Object-to-Trackline, Mouse Readout, Arrival Times, CPA's, Time-to-Go, Range Ruler w/readout, Range/Bearing helpers w/Navaid creation
Print/Plotting: High resolution grid plots to printer, data printing, event printing, save grid as bitmap, save grid as DXF, etc.
Special Features: Bathymetry (bottom contours) generation and display, multiple CAD .DXF drawings support, mapping output of all graphical constructions and vehicle/vessel, USBL statistical analysis tool, cable laying management system, graphical vehicle and vessel dynamics, HD video overlay generation, custom output to COM port, network or file, custom input, Events subsystem, and many more

Computer System
Recommended: PC running Windows 7 or above ( 95, 98, ME, 2000 and NT are no longer supported ) running on a 2 GHz X86 cpu or better with 2 Gbytes of RAM or better, 1920 x 1200 or better, 2D graphics acceleration recommended. Plan for the number of serial ports you'll need (12 max). Networking if desired.
More Features
There are just too many to list in a summary - including a few that might surprise you. Contact us if you're interested in a demo version of SeaScape.
SeaScape software training is strongly recommended. A typical training class is two or three days at your site or ours. First use of SeaScape with S.E.A. technician present is also highly recommended.

Note: S.E.A. has been using the name SeaScape as a software trademark since 1993. Specifications subject to change (and rapid evolution!) without notice.

More Screenshots:

Actual replay of ROV dive while navigating the ROV as Relay #1 and the Cage as Transducer

ROV dive at the Island of Maug in the "Ring of Fire"

Want a few more screenshots? (SeaScape has over 60 dialogs!) Download/view this PDF (6.3 MBytes)

Benthos is a trademark of Teledyne-Benthos Corporation.
EdgeTech is probably a trademark of O.R.E. International.
O.R.E. is a trademark of O.R.E. International
IXSEA and GAPS are trademarks of IXSEA.
Sonardyne is a trademark of Sonardyne.
Windows and all its versions are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.