Data Aquisition and Control
image   Thermal Stress Software / "Shock!"
Shock ! is a schedule-based, thermal stress software package compatible with Sigma Systems C-4 controller-based chambers running their latest 9.2.1 firmware. Easy-to-use features include: flexible, user-supplied schedules with your choice of set points, ramp times, equilibrium periods, and total "loops" to execute, manual operation for quick tests, automatic logging of all data, plotting, printed plots, viewable files, built-in HTML help, and more. The full system supports up to three temperature probes: dual Sigma Systems-interfaced probes (T1, T2) plus one independently commanded probe (T3). Use multiple probes for heat transfer studies.

Shock's log file data is ready for spread sheets or other plotting or analysis programs. It supports fail-safe operation with audible messaging and alarms for chamber faults, shutdowns and out-of-bounds conditions, etc. Large plot buffering combined with user-definable sampling, plotting, logging and looping intervals permits test runs of up to a month or more.

Suitable for desktops or laptops running Windows XP through 10. Requires one serial COM port.

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