Data Aquisition and Control
image   DataTap
DataTap is an example of a quickly-customizable program whose purpose is to upload data from RDI Broadband ADCP's (Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers) on a ship of opportunity using LinkQuest underwater, acoustic modems, all based on data compressed and saved in special binary format so that the data can be reconstructed in RDI-compatible format in order save the data to files and use RDI's analysis software to understand ocean currents !! Whew !! Get the idea ?? Too much data retrieved via a low-bandwidth device = too much ship time = too many $$ = build something that makes it quicker to save time and money. We do a lot of that. No problem !!

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RDI is a trademark of the RD Instruments.
LinkQuest is a trademark of LinkQuest Inc.